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Lesco 0-0-7 Label

A: Hi, According to the product label LESCO 0-0-7 with PRE-M pre-emergent herbicide is labeled for preventative control of goosegrass. This is formulated to control weeds by preventing germination, to be effective it must be applied prior to weed seed germination.

Do you water in Lesco pre-emergent?

Thoroughly water your turf or beds to activate soluble fertilizers.

What is 007 fertilizer?

Yard Mastery Prodiamine is a granular pre-emergent designed to stop weeds in the lawn such as crabgrass, bittercress, chickweed, and henbit.

Which is better prodiamine or dithiopyr?

Prodiamine performs much better in the transition zone and in the south than does Dithiopyr. Prodiamine does not leach into the ground with heavy rainfall the way Dithiopyr can. So, if they are predicting a heavy spring rainfall this year in your area, Prodiamine may be the better choice.

Is Lesco 007 a good pre emergent?

Lesco has a very good pre&post emergent product that prevents weeds. I have been using it for 3 years and very little weeds in the yard. Great product been using for past 25 years

What time of day to apply pre emergent?

The best time to apply is the when the daytime highs drop to the mid-70s for about three to five days in a row. Since a pre-emergent application will not last through the following summer, make a pre-emergent application late spring or early summer (see Spring Herbicide Application map).

What month should pre-emergent be applied?

To avoid winter and fall weeds like bluegrass and prickly lettuce, apply a pre-emergent herbicide from August to November. To get ahead of early spring and summer weeds, apply pre-emergent herbicides around mid-March.

What happens if you don't water in pre-emergent?

When you skip the watering, the pre-emergent is simply resting on top of your lawn, allowing the seeds in the soil to germinate and grow into weeds. In other words, if you don't water in your application, IT WILL NOT WORK.

What happens if you put down pre-emergent too early?

Most pre-emergent formulations are effective for about eight weeks after they have been applied. This is why timing is important. Applied too early, the material may have lost its effectiveness by the time seeds sprout - especially if spring is cold and the soil is slow to warm.

What is best N-P-K for lawn fertilizer?

Recommended ratios of N-P-K for lawn fertilizers include 3:1:2 or 4:1:2. Another important factor in choosing nitrogen fertilizers is what kind of nitrogen is actually in the product. Nitrogen fertilizer may consist of fast-release or controlled-release nitrogen.

How many pounds of prodiamine per 1000 sq ft?

BEST ANSWER: Yes, use an initial rate of 0.75-1.5 lbs./acre (0.28-0.55 oz./1000 sq. ft.) per application.

What is the best fertilizer mix?

Studies have found that the ideal NPK fertilizer ratio of those nutrients for flowering plants is 3-1-2. (That's 3% Nitrogen, 1% phosphorus & 2% potassium.) So look for that ratio on the label of packaged fertilizers; anything close to a 3-1-2, a 6-2-4 or a 9-3-6 should be ideal.

What is the longest lasting pre-emergent?

The Best Pre-Emergent Herbicides:

  • Prodiamine (Barricade equivalent) is the longest-lasting, and most economical due to lowest application rates.
  • Isoxaben (Gallery equivalent) prevents a very large list of Broadleaf Weeds.
  • Oxadiazon (Ronstar equivalent) is a great granular option – safe in all turf and ornamentals.

Does prodiamine need to be watered in immediately?

Ideally, Prodiamine 65 WDG should be watered in within 7 days of application, so unless the snow melts within that time it would be best to go ahead and water in 1/2 inch after application. Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade) should not need to be reapplied after snow.

Do you need surfactant with prodiamine?

Answer: When using a pre-emergent such as Prodiamine 65 WDG, a surfactant is not needed. Only when you are using it as a post-emergent. The mixing ratio of the product with water will not change if you are adding a surfactant.

Can you put too much pre-emergent down?

“If an applicator applies too much herbicide, not only is it not cost effective and a label violation, this may injure the desired turfgrass depending on the rate and product used. An excessive application may also prevent the proper establishment of grass seed later in the season.”

How many times a year should you apply pre-emergent?

Early spring and fall are the most effective times to apply pre-emergent herbicides. Applying a pre-emergent herbicide will prevent seeds from sprouting, but the most effective times to use it are in the spring and again in the fall.

What time of year do you put pre-emergent on your lawn?

The right time to apply your pre-emergent herbicide varies depending on the type of weeds in your lawn. For example, some weeds emerge in the fall while others, such as dandelions, grow a bit earlier in the year. Spring applications help prevent the growth of summer weeds, such as crabgrass and foxtail.

How long should pre-emergent be down before rain?

Most products call for 0.5 inches of irrigation or rain within 21 days after application. If you're working with a non-irrigated area or a drip zone, apply the pre-emergent just before rain is anticipated.

What is too cold for pre-emergent?

Waiting until after seeds germinate will make your job tougher than it has to be. Winter pre-emergent weed control treatments will have to be applied before the ground temperatures rise past 50 degrees.

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